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Own & Loan 2024/25- #55 Chris McKay

£200.00 - £500.00
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The concept of Own & Loan means that you will be the owner of Chris McKay's jersey, which will be loaned back to the club and player for the 2024/25 season. Packages cost from £200.00 and includes an invitation to our handover evening where you will present Chris McKay with his jersey for the season, followed by an end of season handback ceremony where YOUR jersey will be returned to you by the player. All ‘Own & Loan’ package holders and their +1’s are invited to the handover and handback events. The event is by invitation only.

Terms & Conditions

1. Own & Loan Packages can only be purchased via the Clan Online Shop, at which point payment must be made in full.

2. Own & Loan Owners names will not feature on the players jerseys.

3. As players have multiple jerseys. Clan reserve the right to use jerseys for alternative purposes.

4. The Own & Loan package is specific to a player, therefore in most circumstances is non-transferrable if the player departs the club.

5. Once an Own & Loan package has been bought by an individual, that package can not be sold onto another individual. This includes the changing of names on the players profile on ClanIHC.com. 

6.In the event of a jersey owner being unable to attend the handover or handback events, the club are unable to facilitate an alternative meet & greet due to the number of Own & Loaners.

7. If a player leaves during the 2023/24 season, the jersey may not be available for collection until the end of the 2023/24 season and the package will be non-refundable.

8. If a jersey is purchased for a late signing/jersey is purchased after the handover event the club are unable to facilitate an alternative meet & greet due to the number of Own & Loaners, the club is aslo unable to faciltate any other form of compensation 

9. The Clan reserve the right to refuse admission to the handover and handback evenings.

10. Own & Loan owners must be in the name of an indivudal and not a company name.